Archive for the ‘technology is hard…NOT’ Category


May 24, 2007

I finally figured out the online billing thing! Sure, it took a while, but I did it! I am so proud of myself right now, I could burst a blood vessel. I have all my bills scheduled for payment, except my car insurance, which I had already paid (the one bill due in the middle of the month).

There’s also an option for certain bloodsuckers…oops, I mean corporations to send me bills via email. This seems like a cool option, since (a) I hate paper, which is a well-established factoid about me, and (b) this way the bills are less likely to get lost (or stolen). However, it appears only 2 of the companies offer this option – my phone and my electric. I wonder why?

Also, Canuck, DJ: Do you keep the old bills? I mean, Comcast sends you a bill (or Rogers if you’re Canadian). You pay it online. Do you keep the paperwork?

Pat me on the back, cause I ROCK!

Many thanks to The Canuck for not losing his temper at me during the many tech support phone calls lately…